Brug & Howie Jung - Stewarding a Legacy
Brug and Howie Jung, originally from the Midwest, are long-term parishioners at St. Raphael the Archangel parish, Raleigh. Both are heavily involved in Parish ministries, and leadership roles throughout the Diocese.
Learn about the Jungs journey to create their Legacy Gift.
While they had always given their time, they wondered about other forms of giving. They heard about Planned Giving, but they had assumed was only for the wealthy and they really didn’t know where to begin. Then the Jungs learned that The Foundation of The Diocese of Raleigh is a resource that is available to anyone who wants to practice stewardship and leave a planned gift to support the on-going work of the Diocesan Ministries, including Parishes, Schools and other areas of need. With the help of The Foundation and confident in the values of Cardinal Gibbons, they recently established the Brug and Howie Jung Endowment Fund, providing tuition assistance to students at Cardinal Gibbons.
Learn more about Estate Planning and the charitable giving options available to you, by contacting The Foundation on 919-568-1065.
The Jungs are the Benefactors of the Brug and Howie Jung Endowment Fund.
Throughout life, many of us consider the desire to leave a lasting legacy. One thoughtful way to...
7200 Stonehenge Drive Raleigh, NC 27609