Seminarian Partnership Program

Priesthood - Sometimes, the greatest call comes when you least expect it. The weight of the call is real, but the joy of serving God's people is even greater. Could God be calling you too?

Video and story courtesy of the Diocese of Raleigh.

Catholic Diocese of Raleigh
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The Seminarian Partnership Program is an annual donor-directed scholarship fund that directly benefits seminarians studying at 5 seminaries across the country. This fund allows individuals, parishes, and groups to contribute directly to the cost of formation for seminarians in the Diocese of Raleigh. Donor generosity has enabled these young men to grow in their intellectual and spiritual formation, ensuring a vibrant Diocese in the years to come.

To help cover these costs, you can:

  • Make a one-time gift.
  • Make an annual or multi-year pledge of cash or stock to the Seminarian Partnership Program.
  • Support an existing endowment.
  • Remember the Diocese of Raleigh Vocations Program in your will.

Since 2022, we have been celebrating the late Fr. Philip Tighe and his devotion to his final role as the Diocesan Vocations Director through the Fr. Tighe Memorial Golf Event. Please click here to learn more about the 2024 Fr. Tighe Golf Outing that will be held on May 20, 2024, at the Longleaf Golf & Family Club in Southern Pines, NC.


2023 - 2024 Diocese of Raleigh Seminarians

Visit to meet our Seminarians.

Seminarians 2324-1


My name is Fr. Noe Ramirez de Paz an ordained priest for the Diocese of Raleigh since June 2019, who began my formation in June of 2011. In those eight years I deepened my prayer life and through my studies learned more than I could ever imagine about God, Our Church, and the Love we are called to profess in Christ Jesus our Lord.      
In 2015, I had to decide, more so than in other years, if I was going to continue to pursue the priesthood or go on to something else. One of the things that weighed heavily on me is that if I left, I would be letting you down. You who had supported my formation prayerfully and economically, would be disappointed by me leaving. I did not want to be ungrateful, but at the same time I knew I had to follow the Call without any pressure. My Spiritual director at the time helped me through this. He helped me realize that you did not see it that way, the way I was thinking. Rather, when you give to this cause it is not about us but instead the future of the Church. Your love and faith for his Bride. Realizing that it was not about me but instead Christ, allowed me to be free to choose.
I chose to follow Christ, freely and whole heartedly. After that decision I still had four years of formation and thanks to your generosity I now serve as a priest in the Diocese of Raleigh. I thank you for your faith in God to continue to call men to serve as his Priests and supporting them. I encourage you to continue to help the work of God in these men’s hearts. I promise you that because of your kindness and prayers, Jesus will be made present in the Blessed Sacrament through the consecrated hands of a priest, to bring Salvation to all.
FatherNoe (2)


In Christ,


Fr. Noe Ramirez de Paz




Average Annual Seminarian Education Costs

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What YOU Can Do!

The Seminarian Partnership Program was created to specifically fund the cost of formal education.

As we have been the recipients of God's many graces through the Sacraments, please take the time to contemplate the spiritual needs of our future generations and help provide them with your stewardship of time, talent and treasure.

To help cover these costs, you can:

  • Make a one time gift.
  • Make an annual or multi-year pledge of cash or stock to the Seminarian Partnership Program.
  • Support an existing endowment.
  • Remember the Diocese of Raleigh Vocations Program in your will.

Consider this!

  • Which planned gift makes sense?
  • Which gift option matches your interests?
  • Consult with the Foundation and your tax advisor to answer these questions
Seminarian Partnership Program

*Income paid to you

History of Vocations in the Diocese of Raleigh

The first native born priest from the Diocese of Raleigh was Servant of God, Thomas Frederick Price. He was ordained June 20, 1886. Since then, the Diocese has ordained hundreds of priests.

Click here to learn more about Vocations in the Diocese of Raleigh.


Contact Information


7200 Stonehenge Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27613
Phone: 919-568-1065
Fax: 919-568-3241